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Research on lyotropic liquid crystal thin polarizing films

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 湘潭大学机械工程学院

出  处: 《功能材料与器件学报》 2006年第5期383-388,共6页

摘  要: 对N,N'-二氢化葸醌吖嗪(还原蓝RSN)和N,N'-二苯并咪唑-1,4:5,8-萘酰亚胺(还原猩红GG)改性处理引入磺酸基,使其成为双亲性化合物,红外光谱结果表明磺酸基改变了分子的极性。双亲性染料分子在极性溶剂中溶解、浓缩、自组装成有序聚集体,在正交偏振光下,织构呈带状和棒状。将溶液用线棒涂布器在玻璃衬底上展开,同时剪切诱导分子取向分布,溶剂自然蒸发后形成0.5~0.7μm厚固态偏振薄膜。溶致液晶的粘度显著影响涂布薄膜的表面平整度和取向度,在可见光部分波段,薄膜具有良好的光学偏振效率,最佳偏振效率达到95%以上,实用前景看好。 Modified processes were performed on N, N'-diyhydro -anthraguinoneaziine (indanthrene blue RSN) and N, N'- dibenzimidazole - 1 ,d,5,8 - naphthalene tetracarbodimide ( indanthrene scarlet GG). Sulfonic groups were introduced and converted them into amphiphilic compounds. The results of fourier transform infrareds pectracopy (FFIR) show that sulfonic groups changed the molecular polarity. Those modified chromonic molecules are dissolved in polar liquid, concentrated, self - assembled into ordered aggregates. In their aqueous solutions, lyotropic liquid crystal (LLC) phases forms textures with strip or rod shapes at crossed polarizers by polarizing light microscopy (PLM). Spread the liquid on glass substrates and simultaneously directionally shear to induce orientation with homemade rod coating apparatus. Polarizing films with thickness of 0.5 - 0.7μm are produced after the solvent evaporated at room temperature. The viscosity of LLC aqueous solution affects the surface smoothness of thin films and the degree of orientation of LLC phases dramatically. The polarization properties of those thin films are investigated with PLM and UV -vis spectrophotometer. The polarizing efficiency in partial visible wavelength regime meets the practical requirements. The optimum polarizing efficiency reaches above 95% and the practical prospect is good.

关 键 词: 溶致液晶 薄膜 偏振 取向

领  域: [理学] [理学] [理学]


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机构 深圳大学


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