机构地区: 华南农业大学林学院
出 处: 《南京林业大学学报(自然科学版)》 2006年第5期107-111,共5页
摘 要: 空气负离子被誉为空气维生素,其浓度是评价空气质量的重要指标。笔者综述了我国森林空气负离子研究方面的主要进展,重点介绍了负离子的检测仪器、研究方法、浓度评价系数、森林环境中空气负离子的日变化和年变化规律及林分因子、气象因子、水体等对森林空气负离子的影响,并探讨了空气负离子研究的主要问题和研究方向。 Negative air ion is good to people's health and is an important resource in tourism region. Status of negative air ion in forest environment has become the issue of the day in recent years. This paper reviewed the negative air ion formation mechanism, its functions on organisms and environment, and the contents, influence factors and spatio--temporal change characteristics of negative air ions in forest environment. Highlights were given to measuring devices, research method, and evaluation criteria, daily and seasonal change of negative air ion, and effects of forest stand, weather condition and water body on forest negative air nion. The main problems in the past work and the direction for the future research were also discussed.
领 域: [农业科学]