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Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Riparian Buffer Zone of Wetland

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所

出  处: 《农业环境科学学报》 2006年第B09期649-652,共4页

摘  要: 湿地缓冲带是介于水-陆之间特殊的生态交错带,具有独特的水体净化功能。基于国内较少开展自然湿地水体净化功能的研究,选取扎龙湿地湖滨湿地缓冲带剖面作为研究对象,利用电导率的剖面变化判断水流的方向,同时利用氯离子作为示踪剂验证剖面水体来自同一水源。在此基础上,发现其对水体中营养元素具有明显的去除效应,TN、TP的去除率分别达74.1%、84.6%。缓冲带内的湿地植物量较小,决定了植物吸收并非氮磷去除的主要机制。根据溶解有机碳和重碳酸酸根的变化,认为反硝化作用是湿地缓冲带去除氮的主要途径,剖面末段处的浅水位和相对茂盛的植物,使其具有相对较强的脱氮能力;土壤吸附与沉淀作用是湿地缓冲带去除磷的主要途径,剖面起始处较高的磷浓度使其具有较高的磷去除能力。因此,利用并强化湿地缓冲带的自然净化能力有助于控制湿地水体富营养化的发展。 Wetland buffer zone, lying on interface between aquatic ecosystem and terrestrial ecosystem, plays a special function in purifying water pollution. A riparian wetland profile was chose as target in Zhalong wetland in the present investigation, because of few researches on purification of natural wetland. Conductivity was used to judge groundwater flow direction, while chlorine ion as a tracer was employed to explain the single water resources in the profile. The results showed that wetland buffer zone had obvious purification function in removing nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) nutrients. The removal rates of total N and total P were 74.1% and 84.6%, respectively. Plant absorption was not the main mechanism in reduction of both N and P, due to less plant biomass on wetland buffer zone. According the concentration variation of DOC and HCO3^-, denitrification was considered as the major mechanism in decreasing N. At the end of the profile, stronger N retention capability was believed to be contributed by high groundwater level and flourishing plant. Both soil absorption and deposition were considered as major processes of P removal. Strong P retention capability was attributed by higher P concentration at the start of the profile. Therefore, it is propitious to control wetland eutrophication by utilizing and intensifying natural purification of wetland buffer zone.

关 键 词: 湿地缓冲带 氮磷去除 反硝化 吸附

领  域: [环境科学与工程]




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