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Study on the micro width measurement method for graphics wafer

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 广东工业大学信息工程学院

出  处: 《仪器仪表学报》 2006年第9期1138-1140,共3页

摘  要: 针对硅片关键尺寸高精度准确测量的要求,在整像素级标准件法二维图像微距尺寸测量的基础上,本文综合应用基于卡尺的标准件法和空间矩亚像素细分算法,提出了具有像素级高速度、亚像素级高精度线宽测量的两步标定法。通过给出一个焊盘样本的实际测量结果来分析对比,表明该方法测量精度有了明显地提高,可以用来进行有图形硅片关键尺寸的测量标定。 Due to the high precision measurement requirement for the CMOS chip line width, a two step calibration method is presented, based on the standard component method in the 2-D image micro width measurement. This method includes pixel level high speed and sub-pixel level high precision line width measurements, and makes use of the standard component method of the caliper and the spatial moment sub-pixel subdivision algorithm. The proposed method features high speed and high precision. From analyzing and comparing the experimental results for a welding plate image, it is shown that the method obviously improves the measurement precision, and can be used in the CD calibration of the graphics wafer.

关 键 词: 硅片 标准件 像素当量 空间矩 亚像素 标定

领  域: [电子电信]




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