机构地区: 广州大学松田学院
出 处: 《商业研究》 2006年第18期204-207,共4页
摘 要: 新加坡证券交易所对关联交易的认定必须考虑利害关系人是否通过影响发行人、其附属公司或联营公司的方式,使其与利害关系人进行对发行人或其股东的利益可能产生不利影响的交易以及利害关系人交易的经济和商业实质,而非法律形式和法律细节。新加坡证券交易所对关联交易的处理主要包括公告披露、股东大会批准和获得股东给予的一般性授权。对发行人或其股东的利益不会产生不利影响的交易,新加坡证券交易所还给予程序处理的豁免。 In applying the rules of interested person transactions, the regards be given to the risk that interested persons could influence the issuer, its subsidiaries or associated companies, and the transactions with interested persons that may adversely affect the interests of the issuer or its shareholders, and the economic and commercial substance of the interested person transaction instead of legal form and technlcality.The interested person transactions need disclose this transaction, obtain shareholder approval, or seek a general mandate.The Exchange will exempt any interested person transaction that is not prejudicial to the interests of the issuer and its shareholders from obligation.