机构地区: 广东警官学院治安系
出 处: 《政法学刊》 2006年第4期10-15,共6页
摘 要: 群体性事件可以分为常性、违法性、罪性。与此相应,公安机关处置群体性事件的原则应当表述为“预防为主,综合治理;教育疏导,依法制止;慎用武力,惩办首恶”。上位原则是依法、比例、效率。 Group events can be divided into three categories: general, illegal and criminal. Accordingly public security organs shall adopt the following principles to deal with group events: prevention first and comprehensive treatment; education ,persuasion and legal control; carefully using power and punishing chief criminal". The above principles are legal, in proportion and efficient.