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Limitation of RDS Theory and Resolution in Broadband Dispersion Compensation

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 北京邮电大学电子工程学院

出  处: 《半导体光电》 2006年第4期459-462,共4页

摘  要: 相对色散斜率(RDS)理论在分析宽带色散补偿时,存在一定的局限性。提出利用色散系数函数在波长上进行泰勒展开或写成多项式形式的分析方法,分析表明宽带内任意波长要实现色散、色散斜率、色散曲度的补偿,必须使总色散多项式前的系数为零。这种把色散系数函数化成多项式的分析方法,适合于任意精度的宽带色散补偿。最后给出了线性补偿和最高二次项的非线性补偿仿真结果。 The fact that the broadband dispersion compensation is analyzed by using the relative dispersion slope (RDS) theory is a certain limitation. A method to extend the dispersion function to a Taylor series or multinomial has been proposed,i, e. ,combining the Taylor series or multinomial in transmission wavelength and supposing every term coefficient of multinomial being equal to zero, so the dispersion, dispersion slope and dispersion curvature can be compensated. This method of adopting the dispersion function series expansion can be used in high precision broadband dispersion compensation. The linear and nonlinear dispersion compensations are dlscussed,and the simulation results are given.

关 键 词: 色散斜率 色散曲度 补偿 多项式 泰勒展开

领  域: [电子电信] [电子电信]


作者 龚先旻


机构 香港中文大学


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