机构地区: 广东省农业机械研究所
出 处: 《农业机械学报》 2006年第8期159-162,共4页
摘 要: 以香蕉为原料,比较真空带式、真空冷冻及热风3种方式干燥香蕉浆的效果。结果表明:真空冷冻干燥物料中的大部分水分在升华阶段去除,热风干燥初期水分含量迅速下降,真空带式干燥物料水分随时间延长呈比较均匀的下降。真空冷冻干燥、真空带式干燥的产品品质优于热风干燥。真空冷冻及真空带式干燥产品的截面、表面和底面孔洞结构都有较大区别。 Banana puree dehydrated by vacuum belt drying was compared with that of freeze-drying and air-drying on the aspects of dehydration curves, water absorption and solubility characteristics, color and microstructure. Results showed that moisture content was mostly removed during sublimation period of freeze-drying, while rapidly dropped during earlier period of air-drying and gradually decreased during vacuum belt drying. The product qualities of vacuum belt drying and freeze-drying are better than that of air-drying. There are great differences of section, surface and underside structure between the samples of vacuum belt drying and freeze-drying.