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Balance Analysis and Regulation of Gas Exhaust Ductwork for Aluminum Smelting Cell

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 哈尔滨工业大学

出  处: 《轻金属》 2006年第8期75-78,共4页

摘  要: 通过对铝电解槽排烟管道系统阻力变化和调节特性的分析,得出了槽盖板打开时电解槽出口管路阀门调节的方案,并提出一种提高电解槽排烟管道调节性能的改进措施:通过调整排烟管道的尺寸,使电解槽盖板打开时能自动保持其原有阻力损失基本不变,减少了调节工作量和调节误差。 By an analysis of resistance change and regulating character of gas exhaust ductwork in the condition of cell - machining, gets the way to regulate the damper at the exit of the cell. And presents a improved method: by changing the diameter of air exhaust duct, it can make the resistance of cell maintain constant either in normal state or in cell - machining state, reduce the work load and the error of regulation.

关 键 词: 排烟管道 阻力平衡 阀门调节

领  域: [冶金工程]




作者 张光宇
作者 林浩亮