机构地区: 北京科技大学
出 处: 《材料工程》 2006年第8期40-44,共5页
摘 要: 将多种纳米材料应用到水性超薄膨胀型钢结构防火涂料中,研究其用量对钢结构防火涂料耐火极限的影响。结果表明:添加纳米SiO2和TiO2可以提高防火涂料膨胀后炭质层的强度,延长钢结构的耐火极限,当添加1.5%(质量分数)的纳米SiO2时,可以达到110min的耐火极限。 The applications of nano-materials in fire resistive coatings for steel structures were studied. The effects of the dosage of nano-materials on the fire proofing time were investigated. The results showed that nano-SiO2 and nano-TiO2 could enhance the intensity of foamed cellar char. In addition, these materials could remarkably prolong the fire proofing time of the steel structure. When 1.5% (mass fraction)nano-SiO2 was used in these fire resistive coatings,110 minutes can be obtained.