作 者: ;
机构地区: 暨南大学文学院中国语言文学系
出 处: 《东南亚研究》 2006年第4期71-78,共8页
摘 要: 本文运用文化哲学原理,以印尼华人文化为研究对象,通过对其本体的解析、时空的察析及其运动态势的审视认为,印尼华人文化是一种构成多元、部类层叠的复合文化,是一种处在不断“当地化”又坚持“中华化”、对立统一运动的移民文化;印尼华人文化既有别于在印尼的异族文化,又不同于中华文化,是“移居”印尼的中华文化与在印尼的异族文化综合融合的结晶,是印尼华人的族群标识,是一种相对独立的民族(部族)文化,即华人“部族”文化;印尼华人文化复合了大量的中华文化和非中华文化要素,与生俱来就是中华文化与在印尼的各异族文化进行对话交流的重要中介,是印尼华人、印尼各民族(部族)的共同财富,是中国发展与印尼的友好关系、睦邻善邻友邻、构建和谐亚洲和世界的重要资源,是21世纪中国和平崛起的的宝贵资源。 From the perspective of cultural philosophy theory, this paper puts forward that Indonesian Chinese culture is a complex culture and an immigration culture. The author finds out that Indonesian Chinese culture is a mixture between Chinese culture and other ethnical cultures, which it is different from original Chinese culture and other ethnical culture in Indonesia. However, the Indonesian Chinese culture becomes a common resource for descendants of Indonesian Chinese and other ethnic groups in Indonesia. It is an important resource for China to develop relationship with Indonesia, to build a harmonious Asia and to rise peacefully in the 21^at century.