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“Hunan Fans”: Evolution of Akutagawa Ryunosukes Literary Consciousness and His View of China

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学外国语学院

出  处: 《外国文学研究》 2006年第4期135-141,共7页

摘  要: 1921年3月至7月,芥川龙之介终于实现多年来的愿望来到中国,此次中国之行使晚期芥川文学一改诗性的浪漫而开始关注社会与现实。由于战后日本的美国化进程,中国旅行之于芥川文学的重要意义并未引起日本学界的广泛关注,代表晚期芥川文学最高成就的“湖南的扇子”亦未得到应有的评价。“湖南的扇子”是芥川唯一取材于中国之旅的一篇纪行体小说,但芥川生前最后一部短篇集,即第八部短篇集却被冠名为《湖南的扇子》,可见该作品对考察晚期芥川文学具有重要意义。本文拟重新解读“湖南的扇子”,以阐明晚期芥川文学的问题意识及其中国观之变迁。 In March 1921, Akutagawa Ryunosuke finally arrived in China, fulfilling his lifelong dream. His journey to China changed his writing from poetic romantic style into concerns about society and reality. Because Americanization expanded to Japan after the war, the strong influence of his China travel on his literature had not caused extensive attention and concern in Japan. Neither did "Hunan Fans," which represents Akutagawa Ryunosuke's literary achievement in his late years. This is his only documentary work based on his trip to China, and is of great importance to the exploration of Akutagawa Ryunosuke's literature. This article reinterprets "Hunan Fans" to illustrate the consciousness of problem in Akutagawa Ryunosuke's late years and the change in his view of China.

关 键 词: 芥川龙之介 中国之行 湖南的扇子 中国观

领  域: [文学]


作者 司志武
作者 刘文星
作者 赵波
作者 高杏
作者 邢硕


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学外国语学院
机构 深圳大学文学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学东方语言文化学院


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作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
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