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Growth and Rhizospheic Fertility of 10 Native Broad-leaved Trees in North Guangdong

作  者: ; ; ; ; (黄继丰); (冯学周);

机构地区: 韶关市林业局韶关512000

出  处: 《广东林业科技》 2006年第3期 17-21,共5页

摘  要: 2003年在始兴县进行10种粤北乡土阔叶树种选择研究。结果表明:造林3年后幼树的成活率均达到95%;平均树高生长最快的是红荷木Schima wallichii、火力楠Michelia macclurei和金叶含笑Micheliafoveolata,平均树高为4.5~5.5m;樟树Cinnamomum camphora和深山含笑Michelia maudiae生长较慢,树高生长不足3m。冠幅生长最快的是红荷木、枫香Diquidambar formosana、金叶含笑和火力楠,平均为2.5.2.8m;江南桤木4抚掷trabeculosa、木荷Schimasuperba、深山含笑和樟树的冠幅生长较慢,平均冠幅仅1.6—1.8m。生长最佳的前5名树种依次是红荷木〉火力楠〉金叶含笑〉枫香〉山杜英。土壤根际土速效N、P、K养分含量较高的前5名树种依次是樟树〉红荷木〉石栎〉火力楠〉深山含笑,木荷和山杜英根际土速效养分较低。研究结果揭示了红荷木、火力楠和金叶含笑在粤北地区生长较快,保持水肥能力较强,适于在粤北生态公益林建设中应用和推广。 Growth and rhizospheric fertility of 10 native broad-leaved tree species in Shixing County, North Guangdong were studied. Survival rates of these tree species were over 95 %. Schima wallichii, Michelia macclurei and Michelia foveolata had fastest growth with the height varying between 4.5 -5.5m; the growth of Cinnamomum camphora and Michelia maudiae were slow whose height lower than 3 m. Schima wallichii, Liquidambarformosana, Michelia foveolata, and Michelia macclurei had fast canopy growth between 2.5 m and 2.8 m ; those of Alnus trabeculosa, Schima superba , Michelia maudiae, and Cinnamomum camphora were slow. They varied between 1.6 m and 1.8 m. By comparison, the top 5 species in general growth were Schima wallichii 〉 Michelia macclurei 〉 Michelia foveolata 〉 Liquidambar formosana 〉 Elaeocarpus sylvestris. Comparison of the rhizospheric soil fertility of 10 tree species showed that Cinnamomum camphora 〉 Schima wallichii 〉 Lithocarpus glaber 〉 Michelia macclurei 〉 Michelia maudiae. The rhizospheric fertility of Schima superba and Elaeocarpus sylvestris were low. The present resuits showed that Michelia macclurei, Schima wallichii, Michelia foveolata had fast growth and were good for maintaining soil fertility. They were suitable species planted in ecological plantation in North Guangdong.

关 键 词: 乡土阔叶树种 生长 根际营养

分 类 号: [S727.0 S714.5]

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学]




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