机构地区: 中国林业科学研究院热带林业研究所
出 处: 《林业科学研究》 1996年第6期586-592,共7页
摘 要: 据物候观测,秋茄最佳采种(胚轴)在海南(琼山)为2月上旬至3月初,廉江在2月下旬至4月底,深圳为3月上旬至5月初;采用胚轴插植方法造林并在淤泥松软、风浪大的滩涂适当深栽(2/3种苗长度),半年成活率达88%,用1至多年生小苗或幼树造林,半年成活率小于37%;潮浸深度对幼苗和幼树生长影响极大,选择和规划造林地时,首先应确定宜林滩涂潮汐基面高程,该高程因各地潮汐特点不同而异,深圳湾应大于1.3m;造林初植密度以0.5m×1m或1m×1m适当密植为宜。 The trials were made on the hypocotyl collection,planting method,afforestation with different densities and different tide drowning depths of Kandelia candel. The best season of hypocotyl collection in Hainan,Lianjiang and Shenzhen is from February 5 to March 5,February 25 to Aprial 25,and March 5 to May 5 respectively.The survival rate is over 88% if the planting with hypocotyl is adopted and the hypocotyl is planted properly deep(2/3 length of it) in the flat with soft silt,strong wind and tide.On the contrary,it is below 37% if the transplanting with seedlings or young trees of one to several years old is adopted.The mudflat height above tide datum plane,where the young trees can grow,must be first selected carefully, because the growth of seedlings and young trees is greatly affected by the tide drowned depth.The mudflat height suitable to planting for each area is different according to different tide characters,and the height should be above 1.3 m in Shenzhen bay.The space of initial plantation should be 0.5 m×1.0 m or 1 m×1 m.