机构地区: 东北大学机械工程与自动化学院
出 处: 《东北大学学报(自然科学版)》 2006年第8期891-894,共4页
摘 要: 设计并实现了一种基于LabVIEW的求解手指指尖和手指各关节的运动轨迹的方法,该方法简便、经济、实用.利用摄像头把人类手指运动的图像采集到计算机上,应用图像处理的方法检测到指端或各关节的位置,并且记录检测到的位置坐标,应用LabVIEW软件中的曲线拟合技术获得手指及各关节的运动轨迹,并得出人类食指指端运动轨迹的曲线拟合较适用于三阶次的多项式拟合,拇指端运动轨迹的曲线拟合较适用于四阶次的多项式拟合的结论,从而为进一步研究机械手的轨迹规划和控制问题提供了理论依据. The curve fitting of kinematic trajectories of fingertip and finger joints was designed and obtained on the basis of LabVIEW software, which is convenient, economical and applicable. The finger's photos of kinematic trajectory were taken by CCD camera and acquired on computer. Then, the position coordinates of fingertip and finger joints can all be detected and recorded by image processing. With the curve fitting technique in the software LabVIEW used to get the kinematic trajectory of fingertip and relevant finger joints, a conclusion is drawn that the fitting of 3rd-order and 4th-order polynomials are comparatively applicable to the curve fitting of the kinematic trajectories of forefinger tip and thumb tip, respectively. The conclusion thus provides a theoretic a reference for the trajectory planning and control of robot manipulator.
领 域: [机械工程]