机构地区: 中国科学院华南植物园
出 处: 《中国园林》 2006年第8期85-89,共5页
摘 要: 香港蒲苔群岛共有维管束植物245种,分别隶属于93科203属。为保护和利用该地的植物资源,通过两次赴蒲苔群岛调查得到的资料,分析讨论了蒲苔群岛的各类植被类型和植物资源,并对蒲苔群岛的植物资源可持续利用和生态旅游提出了建议。 Based on the vegetation investigation of Po Toi Islands, Hong Kong, so far a total of 245 vascular bundle species in 203 genera of 93 families have been recorded. Its vegetation and multiple plants resources are mainly dealt with in this paper. Some perlJnent suggestion concerning eco-tourJsm and the sustainable utilization of plant resources is proposed by the author.