作 者: ;
机构地区: 华南理工大学
出 处: 《中国园林》 2006年第8期13-16,共4页
摘 要: 园林中的声景设计是环境声学研究领域的一个前沿课题。目前对此课题研究较为深入的国家是法国、加拿大和日本。但相关研究成果仍然甚少被运用到具体的造园实践中。首先探讨了采用传统方法进行园林声景设计的3个阶段,然后再介绍利用软件优化来完成园林声景设计的最新方法。 The sound landscape design in landscape architecture is a new research topic in the research field of sound environment. Nowadays, some countries such as France, Canada and Japan have made some progress in this topic, but their achievements have been seldom used in the concrete landscape architecture proiects. And it is focused on in this paper a garden sound landscape design in landscape architecture, from the traditional three-step ways to the newest software method.
领 域: [建筑科学]