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Characteristic Analysis on Stromatolites and Paleo-Geography in Touquan Village,Hebei Province

作  者: ; ; ; (邸明慧);

机构地区: 河北师范大学资源与环境科学学院

出  处: 《地理与地理信息科学》 2006年第4期108-111,共4页

摘  要: 元古代叠层石是研究古地理变化的重要材料。井陉县头泉村叠层石显示了原始的群落状态,经鉴定其时代为元古代高于庄组,代表性分子为拟灌木藻板锥叠层石、多角紊乱锥叠层石、圆筒锥叠层石、杨沙候锥叠层石和高于庄叠层石。叠层石形态分异多样,与滨海、浅海相白云岩伴生,个体有较强的铁染现象,在纵向剖面上多期生长;它反映了当时古海洋的温度、盐度条件基本稳定,水动力、水深、光照条件有一定变化,古地理演化可划分为6个阶段。 As only one kind of fossil in Proterozoic,stromatolite is an important material in the paleo - geography changing study. Shorting of Proterozoic paleo- ecology and paleo- geography formations in the centre of Hebei Province, the well preserved stromatolite fossils demonstrate original community ecology in Touquan village, Hebei Province. The characteristics of stromatolites in Touquan reflect the environment changing characteristic of paleo - ocean in the Proterozoic. The authors determine that the fossils belong to Gaoyuzhuang Formation in Proterozoic. The representational fossils are: Tabuloconigera cf. paraepiphyta, Confusoconophyton multiangulum , Conophyton cf. cylindricum , Conophyton yangshahouensis , Conophyton gaoyuzhuangensis. The fossil possessed the growth characteristic of shore and shallow sea dolomite, which has obvious tiny structure and many types of configurations. Individual of fossil has contaminated phenomena of iron. According to the ancient geography condition, the authors have divided geography environment evolution into 6 stages.

关 键 词: 叠层石 古地理 头泉 河北省

领  域: [天文地球]




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