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Occurrence of Erthrina gall wasp (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in the legume of Cockspur coralbean

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; (邵志芳); (邱少松);

机构地区: 深圳出入境检验检疫局

出  处: 《植物检疫》 2006年第4期207-208,F0004,共3页

摘  要: 刺桐姬小蜂能危害刺桐树的叶、叶柄、嫩芽和幼枝,作者最近观察到该虫还能危害鸡冠刺桐花和荚果。刺桐姬小蜂寄生在新抽出的花蕾和新结的幼果中,作者从荚果中找到了该虫的幼虫、蛹及正在羽化的成虫。该虫在深圳可全年发生。本文总结了受害鸡冠刺桐荚果虫瘿的种类与形成过程,指出虫瘿能导致荚果出现条形果、锤形果、打结形果、细腰形果、肿大形果等类型,并对各类型的形成过程进行分析。 This paper report the types and the causes of gall: strip gall of legume, hammer-head gall of legume, knot gall of legume, wasp-waisted gall of legume and enlarge gall of legume. The first found the legume of Erythrina cristagalli were the gall of legume. damaged by the erthrina gall wasp, and the larvae , pupae or emerging adults were collected from So the pest may damage foliage , leafstalk, burgeon or twig , even flower and fruit . It occur throughout the year.

关 键 词: 刺桐姬小蜂 鸡冠刺桐 荚果 虫瘿 越冬

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [生物学]




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