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Study on the Application of Thermal Electrochemical Equation of Metal - hydride Half - cell System

作  者: ; ; (苏耿);

机构地区: 湖南中大高科能源材料股份有限公司湖南衡阳421000

出  处: 《中国材料科技与设备》 2006年第4期32-35,共4页

摘  要: 研究了热电化学方程在金属氢化物半电池体系中的应用,考察了荷电状态(SOC)对贮氢材料热电化学性能的影响,结果表明:在相同的SOC点(50%SOC),贮氢电极放氢反应焓变的绝对值略小于吸氢反应焓变的绝对值,电极进行放氢反应时的电极内阻小于其进行吸氢反应时的电极内阻;荷电状态对贮氢电极吸、放氢反应焓变均有很大的影响,当荷电状态小于10%时或者大于60%时,电极吸、放氢反应焓变变化都很大,当荷电状态在10%到60%之间时,吸、放氢反应焓变均趋于恒定,这与P-C-T曲线非常相似,二者均存在一个平台;荷电状态对贮氢电极吸、放氢反应时的电极内阻也有很大的影响,随着贮氢电极充填氢程度的提高,无论是发生吸氢反应还是放氢反应,电极内阻都有增加的趋势。 Application of thermal electrochemical equation in half - cell system was investigated, and the influence of state of charge (SOC) on the thermal electrochemical performance of hydrogen storage materials was studied. The results show that both the absolute value of the molar enthalpy change and the internal resistance of evolution hydrogen reaction are a little less than that of absorption hydrogen reaction at the same state of charge. The molar reaction enthalpy changeArHm,e of absorption and evolution of hydride electrode change contrarily with the enhancement of filling degree of hydrogen in hydride electrode. The relation curve of ArHm,e to SOC, both absorption and evolution hydrogen reaction, is close to a constant when the SOC is among 10% to 60%, and during SOC 〈 10% or SOC 〉60%, the ArHm,e change sharply. Meanwhile, the internal resistances of electrode reaction have an ascending trend with the enhancement on filling degree of hydrogen in hydride electrode in both absorption and evolution hydrogen reaction.

关 键 词: 贮氢材料 热电化学方法 荷电状态 焓变 内阻

领  域: [石油与天然气工程]


作者 陈奎


机构 佛山科学技术学院


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