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Individualized Reality and Freedom of Reality

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学新闻与传播学院

出  处: 《海南师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第2期124-126,共3页

摘  要: 市场化年代的文学远离了人的生命自由,并以种种伪装的自由形式来标榜自我,突出的表现是一种伪个人化的形式。市场叙事以个人化和多元化的名义来表明自己的生命自由和文学自我,将个人化写作放置于至高无上的地位,在文学叙事的多元自由和复调叙事生态中暗藏了个人化写作的唯一性,于是这种个人化在很大程度上开始变得可疑:它可能仅仅是一种招摇过市的旗号,一种伪个人化。人们拥有了更多的写作自由,但个人化写作是否真正给人们提供了更多的想象自由、生命自由、历史自由和人性自由,却难下断语。写作姿态也许已经获得了自由,但姿态的自由并不意味着创造了文学风格的自由和现实的自由。人们可以用各种方式去写作,不一定只能以个人化写作或者身体写作(身体写作是个人化写作的延伸)的方式去写作,也不一定只能表现个人化的现实。 In the time of marketization, literature has been far from the freedom of human life by flaunting itseff under various disguises, which is piedominantly characterized by its pseudo - individualization. Market narrative, in the name of individualization and pluralization, exhibits its life freedom and literary serf, thus placing the individualized writing in a supreme position. As such, individualization of this sort becomes highly questionable as the individual quality of individualized writing is concealed secretly amid the plural freedom of literary narrative and narration of polyphony, hence it can only be a label of show - off as well as pseudo- individualization of a sort. When people enjoy more freedom in writing, it is hard to definitely conclude whether individualized writing could provide more freedom in imagination, life, history and human nature. People may have acquired freedom in writing attitudes, but it does not follow that they can have freedom in their literary styles and reality. People may write in various ways, but they are not inclined to necessarily write by the method of individualized or body writing ( body writing is an extension of individualized writing) or to portray merely the individualized reality.

关 键 词: 个人化 伪个人化 个人化现实 现实自由 风格自由

领  域: [文学]


作者 邓华荣
作者 秦静
作者 廖冬梅
作者 伍岂莹


机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院
机构 华南农业大学
机构 华南理工大学新闻与传播学院
机构 嘉应学院文学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学西方语言文化学院


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