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Gray-fuzzy Clustering Applied to District Classification in Size Evaluation of the Distribution Network

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 湖南大学电气与信息工程学院

出  处: 《电力系统自动化》 2006年第13期79-84,共6页

摘  要: 客观评估地区电网总体建设规模是规划管理者的重要工作,对管理范围内的地区进行科学分类是实现评估的基础。文中在假设已建立评价指标体系的前提下,提出了一套实现地区电网分类的系统方法。首先以统计年鉴数据为依据计算电网规模影响因素对规模因子的灰色关联度,并以此作为其相对影响程度的测度指标,建立描述地区相似程度的特征向量空间;然后以空间距离为测度建立模糊相似空间;最后运用模糊聚类原理完成地区分类。实例分析表明,文中提出的方法简便、实用,结果客观、可靠,可作为宏观控制和指导地区电网建设规模的基本依据。 Managers and planners attach importance to evaluating the whole size and controlhng the gross constructing investment in the distribution network. To solve this problem, the authors have established a set of indexes system composed of size indexes and influence factors. And a series of systematic methods indispensable for estimating the constructing size of distribution network is presented to enable the classification of districts to be evaluated. The method proposed in this paper includes the following essential processes. Firstly, it calculates the numerical value of the gray correlation degree between the influence factors and size indexes used as indicators to evaluate the influence degree of influence factors vs. size indexes. Secondly, it builds up a characteristic vector space described by the above gray correlation degrees, and then describes the similarity degree between all districts to be evaluated in the distribution network using the distance over the characteristic vector space. Finally, it completes the classification of districts using the fuzzy clustering method. The simplicity and effectiveness of the proposed method is verified with an actual application. This work is supported by Foundation for University Key Teachers by the Ministry of Education (No. [2002] 65) and Hunan Province Department of Education Project (No. [2001] 197).

关 键 词: 地区电网 建设规模评估 模糊聚类 灰色关联度

领  域: [电气工程] [电气工程]


作者 李振聪
作者 张婉滨
作者 张兆民
作者 李艺明
作者 林宏杰


机构 广东工业大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东工业大学管理学院
机构 广东科学技术职业学院


作者 王珺
作者 刘洋
作者 张光宇
作者 叶飞
作者 周永务