机构地区: 华北电网有限公司
出 处: 《惠州学院学报》 2006年第3期100-103,共4页
摘 要: 住宅外墙采用外保温有很多优点,居住舒适、节能和经济效益明显。由于世界性能源紧张,房屋价格攀生,住宅节能要求与舒适性的要求外,墙外保温的需求正在日益迫切,外墙外保温市场正在扩大。 The application of heat insulation system on residential outer walls has many merits: comfortable, energy conservative and of high economic efficiency. Because of worldwide energy crisis, house price has been rocketing and the problem of energy conservation is getting more and more serious. There is an urgent demand and expanding market on the application and popularization of heat insulation system on residential outer walls.
领 域: [哲学宗教]