机构地区: 广州市城市规划局番禺区分局
出 处: 《国外城市规划》 2006年第3期94-97,共4页
摘 要: 美国大力推广自行车友好社区(BFC),并且有具体的评估内容。自行车的推广对促进社区发展,改善城市生态环境,改善城市交通状况以及对公众的健康等方面都有积极的作用。自行车友好社区的活动对我国有借鉴意义。它对于我国城市发展政策的制定和城市人居环境的改善有重要参考价值。 In America, BFC is popularized vigorously, which has ideographic valuation contents, Bicycle spread has many positive functions in promoting community development, improving urban ecoenvironment, meliorating communication conditions etc. It can be used for reference to our country in constituting urban development policies and improving urban residential environment.