机构地区: 暨南大学生命科学技术学院生物矿化与结石病防治研究所
出 处: 《微生物学通报》 2006年第3期157-160,共4页
摘 要: 人体内影响泌尿系结石形成的细菌有2类:一类诱发尿石形成,主要是通过分解尿素使尿液pH升高、加重尿路感染、降低尿石抑制剂浓度、破坏尿路粘膜酸性粘多糖保护层从而促进晶体滞留;另一类抑制尿石的形成,这些细菌(主要为食草酸杆菌、乳酸杆菌和粪肠球菌等草酸分解菌)参与外源性草酸代谢,降低尿草酸浓度。探讨了该领域所面临的问题和将来的发展方向。 There are two populations of bacteria to affect the formation of urinary stones in humanity. The first one can promote the formation of urinary stone by increasing urinary pH, decreasing concentration of urinary inhibitors, and damaging the protective urothelial glycosaminoglycan layer. The second inhibit the formation of urinary stones. These bacteria ( mainly the intestinal oxalate degrading bacteria such as Oxalobacter formigenes, lactic acid bacteria, Enterococeus faecalis etc) can decrease urinary oxalate concentration by regulating exogenous oxalate. The problems faced and the developing direction were also indicated.
领 域: [生物学]