机构地区: 电子科技大学中山学院
出 处: 《桂林旅游高等专科学校学报》 2006年第3期273-276,共4页
摘 要: 由于人的意识活动对客观存在的旅游资源价值的认知不断拓展,大批隐性旅游资源陆续转化为显性旅游资源,这是现阶段我国旅游资源开发的一个重要发展趋势。为此建议将旅游资源隐性与显性的分类放入国家旅游资源普查分类规范的框架中,并引入现象学(解释学)的理论精髓对隐性旅游资源及其显性化进行解读,初步构架了隐性与显性旅游资源二元应用性分类框架,以期进一步落实旅游资源普查活动的科学发展观,协调国家标准与主观认知间的关系,丰富区域旅游资源总量,提高区域旅游资源品位,完善隐性旅游资源区的价值观体系。 Because of the human's unceasing consciousness activity of cognition on tourism resources' value, Many latent tourism recourses have continuely transformed into obvious tourism resources, which has formed the important character in tourism exploitation nowadays..In order to master the tourism recourse's investigation activity more accurately, and to solve the contradiction between national criterions and different cognitions, and to perfect the value system of the latent tourism resoures areas, this paper suggests latently and obviously putting the tourism reeourse's classification into the national criterion system of tourism resources investigation. And it introduces phenomenology (hermeneutics) to explore the latent tourism resources themsieves and their actualization mechanism, and firstly construct the dualistic applied framework of classification.