机构地区: 嘉应学院文学院
出 处: 《南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2006年第3期147-150,共4页
摘 要: 语文辞书兼类词和多义词释义中不宜出现原词,今以《现代汉语词典》(第5版)为例进行说明和分析,并提出三种修改办法,供语文辞书的编纂者和使用者参考。 Pluralistic words and multivocal words in the Modem Chinese Dictionary use original words in their paraphrase and it is inadvisable. Mainly based on Xiandai Hanyu Cidian (the fifth edition) , this paper enumerates and analyses some examples and puts forward some amendments.
领 域: [语言文字]