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Correlative and empirical research for eco-economic level and regional competence of each region in China

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所

出  处: 《生态学报》 2006年第5期1597-1604,共8页

摘  要: 通过生态意义下区域竞争力的研究,提出了经济自由空间的概念。在进行模型静态和动态的分析后,得出科技的进步对区域潜在竞争力具有决定性作用的结论。在实证研究方面,运用因子分析的方法,根据生态水平、人均国内生产总值和生态科技进步等13个指标,对全国31个省(自治区、直辖市)的生态经济水平以及区域竞争力进行了排名。结果发现,由于经济发展水平和自然生态环境等原因,在生态意义下我国各个区域的区域竞争力也成空间上的东、中、西分布格局。在上述理论和实证探讨的基础上,还分别就生态条件下区域发展的公平和效率以及生态条件下有关不发达地区的区域政策进行了探讨。认为生态条件下,如果政策制定不得当,不发达地区会处于更加不平等的地位,所以政策制定者应该重新认识传统的区域理论和区域政策。 Regional competitiveness was an important concept and it challenged traditional regional theories. However, there were few papers discussing the relation between regional competitiveness and eco-economic level, so It was a daring attempt to do it. In economics economies usually used Production Possibilities Set to analyse the question of Product Mix. In fact, there was also substitutional relation between economy and ecology. With the research of regional competition based on the ecological significance, the definition of free space of economy was proposed, and a conclusion was drawn that regions with big free space was competitive. Through the static and dynamic model, another conclusion was acquired that the technological progress may determine potential regional competitiveness. In the demonstration research, factor analysis was used according to thirteen indexes, such as ecological level, Per capita GDP and technology progress, etc., we ranked the level of eco-economic and the regional competitiveness of thirty-one provinces (municipality duchy) in China. The results show: the regional competitiveness decreased from east to west in China according to their economic and entironment levels. Although some regions had poor entironment, they have technical superiority and economic superiority, so that these regions ranked high. On the contrary, some other regions had ecological advantages, but due to backward technology and economy they ranked low. The regional policy in developing region and the relationship between equal and efficiency were also discussed, based on the ecological significance.Because developed regions derive not only a financial benefit but a ecological one, the developing regions should be given more helps. For developing region, on the one hand investment abroad should meet with warm reception, on the other hand, foreign-funded enterprises that polluted environment should be refused. In a word, the former theories and policies of region should be studied again.

关 键 词: 经济自由空间 生态 生态科技进步 区域竞争力

领  域: [文学] [生物学] [生物学]


作者 杨清
作者 戴亚平
作者 吴伟萍
作者 汤云刚
作者 杨瑞艳


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 丁培强
作者 徐松林
作者 徐枫
作者 陈光慧
作者 孙有发