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The Response of Literature-and-art Theory and Aesthetics to the Challenge of Consumerism

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

出  处: 《学术研究》 2006年第6期122-125,共4页

摘  要: 文学艺术作为人类审美活动的典范形式,具有滋润人的情感,拓展人的想象,陶冶人的情操等重要功能,从而使人的精神得到解放。而日常生活用品主要以实用功利来满足人的物质享受,要在日常生活中获得美感享受,就必须通过艺术美的创造和鉴赏,促进人的精神自由展开才能实现。因此,文艺学、美学无论是为人的精神世界的发展,还是日常生活的美化,都必须以坚守基本的研究对象为前提,通过对艺术美的深刻体验和理解,更好地去感受日常生活的美,同时关注日用产品更好地按照美的规律进行设计、制造及使用。文艺学、美学就是在这样一种矛盾运动所产生的张力的推动下不断前行的。 As an aesthetic activity, literature possesses the important function to nourish human sensibility, broaden his imagination and foster his sentiment, thus freeing him in his spiritual world. Articles for daily use, in contrast, are to satisfy man’s material needs with their practical functions. To obtain some sense of beauty from daily life, artistic appreciation must be introduced to enhance man’s spiritual freedom. Therefore, for both the purposes to help develop man’s spiritual world and the beauty of his daily life, literature and aesthetics must hold fast their basic objects of studies, explore the beauty of daily life by personal experience and understand artistic beauty. Meanwhile, equal attentions should be paid to the application of aesthetic principles in the designs, productions and uses of daily necessities. Literature and aesthetics are making a progress driven by the tensions between these contradictory forces.

关 键 词: 文艺学 美学 消费主义 日常生活审美化

领  域: [文学]


作者 李艳丰
作者 田春
作者 李永
作者 施爱华
作者 朱耀龙


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 暨南大学文学院
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院


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