机构地区: 武汉大学法学院
出 处: 《安康师专学报》 2006年第3期105-107,111,共4页
摘 要: 随着中国与世界各国经济往来的日益频繁,中国经济发展迫切需要大批既懂经济、懂外语。又熟悉WTO规则和国际惯例的复合型专业人才。在国际法学科中开展双语教学,正是对这种需要的积极回应。然而,我国目前的外语(主要是英语)教学模式难以适应经济发展对国际法学科人才的要求。本文着重就如何加强和改善国际法学科双语教学展开探讨。 With Chinas entry into WTO and an increasingly close contact in international trade, it turned up an urgent demand for those who, with a good command of English, can apply the WTO rules as well as other international regulations. For the purpose of meeting this demand, a significant reform should be taken upon the language teaching of international law courses with a series of teaching methods and sub -skills.