机构地区: 广州出入境检验检疫局
出 处: 《植物检疫》 2006年第3期139-140,共2页
摘 要: 应用热水处理技术,木瓜在其果心温度升至46℃时浸泡10min,可完全杀死进境木瓜中携带的木瓜实蝇(Bactrocerapapayae),该热水杀虫处理条件,经测定对木瓜果实不造成损害。 Applied hot water treatment technical, when the temperature in the fruit core was raised to 46℃ in hot water and held for 10 min , the papaya fruit fly Bactrocera papayae in papaya fruit were completely killed by the treatment, the hot water treatment was not caused damage to the papaya fruit on quality.