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Analysis on mechanism of transportation and conversion of total phosphor in Miyun Reservoir

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 吉林大学环境与资源学院

出  处: 《世界地质》 2006年第1期76-80,85,共6页

摘  要: 通过对2001、2002年进行的四次大规模取样测试结果进行分析,认为密云水库目前为中营养型水库,富营养化趋势明显,水中磷的主要来源为以工业、生活污水及水土流失携带进入水体的外源磷和以水库底泥释放为主的内源磷。磷在表层水中浓度小于底层水中的浓度,东西库区的浓度小于内湖的浓度;垂向上由上至下逐渐增高。磷的迁移转化途径为:一部分在水体悬浮物表层吸附或沉积,另一部分被水中的藻类吸收,进入生物作用。对水中磷的迁移转化影响较大的因素为:水中的pH值、溶解氧含量、温度、水动力条件及生物作用。 By analyzing the sampling and testing results of four times in 2001 and 2002, it is considered that Miyun Reservoir is middle- nutritional in type, and the tendency of full-nutritional is distinct. The TP (total phosphorus) contains two parts including endogenous P and extraneous P. The endogenous P is mainly released from the substrate sludge of the reservoir, while the main resource of extraneous P is polluted liquid from industrial and domestic wastes and the water loss and soil erosion. The concentration in surface layer is less than that in the bottom. The concentrations of the East and West areas are less than that of the centre of the reservoir, and it becomes higher vertically from the top down. Usually the transfer of P is accomplished by two ways: some is adsorbed by the surface layer of suspended matters in the water or deposits; other is adsorbed by alga in the water, and takes part in biological action. The main factors of the transportation and conversion of TP are.. the pH of the water, the content of the dissolved oxygen, the temperature, the hydraulic conditions, he biological action and so on.

关 键 词: 密云水库 总磷 沉积物 迁移转化

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球] [环境科学与工程]




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