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Genetic Diversity of Tea〔Camellia sinensis(L.)O. Kuntze〕Cultivars Revealed by AFLP Analysis

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 教育部

出  处: 《园艺学报》 2006年第2期317-322,共6页

摘  要: 利用AFLP-银染分子标记技术,对40个茶树品种(系)进行遗传多样性与亲缘关系分析。选用多态性高、分辨力强的引物组合EACG/MAAC、EAGG/MAAG与EAGG/MAGT分别对供试材料的基因组DNA进行扩增,共获得226条清晰可辨的带,其中多态性带207条,多态位点百分率为91.59%,这表明供试品种资源在DNA水平上酶切位点的分布存在广泛的变异。40份资源所检出的位点平均有效等位基因数、平均基因多样度、平均Shannon信息指数,分别为1.59±0.09、0.35±0.04、0.53±0.05。应用SPSS软件计算遗传距离介于0.13~0.48之间,平均为0.32;UPGMA法将40份资源分成4个类群,从相似性系数分析了各品种资源间的亲缘关系。 40 tea cuhivars were analyzed by AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) -silver staining protocol in order to detect the genetic diversity and relationship. AFLP fingerprinting of 40 tea cuhivars with primer combinations E-ACG/M-AAC, E-AGG/M-AAG and E-AGG/M-AGT revealed a total number of 226 unambiguous bands, of which 207 ones were polymorphic and the polymorphism frequency was 91.59%. This result showed the abundant diversities of restriction sites among tea cuhivars studied. As analyzed by POPGENE 1.31, the average value of effective number of alleles, Nei's gene diversity and Shannon's information index were 1.59 ±0. 09, 0. 35 ±0. 04 and 0. 53 ±0. 05 respectively. As analyzed by SPSS12, the Nei's genetic distances of 40 tea cuhivars ranged from 0. 13 to 0. 48, and the average distance was 0. 32. These tea cuhivars were divided into four groups by UPGMA (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic average) based on Nei's genetic distances. The genetic relationship of 40 tea cuhivars was analyzed using the similarity coefficient.

关 键 词: 茶树 遗传多样性

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [生物学]




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