机构地区: 中山大学地理科学与规划学院
出 处: 《热带地理》 2006年第2期157-161,共5页
摘 要: 分析了粤闽赣客家民系、客家经济区域的时间演化特征,及客家区域空间演化、环境演化等区域自然地理特征和区域演化规律,剖析了该区域经济发展的现状、特征和成因,指出了粤闽赣客家地区必须充分发挥区域资源、区位、环境优势,加强3省及地方政府层面的协作,促进企业与珠三角地区、闽南三角地带、潮汕地区在产业上的对接与合作,提高企业对区外生产要素的吸纳能力和对区外市场的开拓能力,才能促进客家地区经济发展。 Hakkas is an important part of the Han Nationality of the Chinese nation. They mainly inhabit in Meizhou, Tingzhou, and Ganzhou in the border areas of Guangdong(Yue), Fujian (Min), and Jiangxi (Gan), where the geographical environment is advantageous the minerals are rich, and the transportation facilities are being improved. In this paper the present situation, and the characteristics of the regional economic development are analyzed. Due to the remote geographic location, the defect of the system, and other reasons, the areas are less developed. To promote the regional economic development, the advantage of resources, location and environment of the areas should be made full use of, the cooperation among the three provinces should be enhanced, the economic tie with the Pearl River Delta, Southern Fujian and Chaozhou-shantou area should be strengthened, and the ability of the enterprises in Hakkas areas to exploit the outside markets should be raised.
关 键 词: 粤闽赣 客家地区 区域演化 区域经济 区域发展
领 域: [历史地理]