作 者: ;
机构地区: 中山大学人文科学学院历史系
出 处: 《学术研究》 2006年第5期104-109,共6页
摘 要: 民初开设清史馆,前人多持袁、赵二人各取所需、一拍即合之说,实际情形则大为不同。从清史馆的创设及赵尔巽出任馆长,可见该馆的设置并非一帆风顺,其筹建过程折射出在袁世凯为首的民国政府与逊清皇室复杂关系的背景下,新旧观念的交汇状态,也从侧面反映了前清遗臣在新朝与旧主之间亲疏取舍的矛盾立场及微妙心理。 It is generally believed that the establishment of the Research Institute of the Qing Dynasty History by the government of the Republic of China in 1914 was easy, because president Yuan Shikai and director Zhao Erxun both wanted to set up it for their own goals. However, it was not true. Judged from the process of its establishment and Zhao Erxun's taking his seat of director, we could know that the establishment of the institute was not smooth. At that time, the relationship between the Qing royalty and the government of the Republic of China was so complex, that the establishment of the research institute did not only reflect the collision between the old and new ideas, but also the choices of the dynasty's officials between the two different governments in the new era.