作 者: ;
机构地区: 长沙理工大学外国语学院
出 处: 《四川外语学院学报》 2006年第3期115-118,共4页
摘 要: 学界普遍认为佛学家、佛经翻译理论家道安属直译派,对此提法值得商榷。从历史的角度对道安的翻译观做条分缕析的研究,根据其论说的各个出处以及后人对道安在佛经翻译史上的地位的认识、评价等,笔者认为道安并非是单纯的直译派,他对博大精深的佛经的翻译有独到、深刻、明智的见解。 It is well acknowledged that Daoan, the famous leader of Buddhism in Dongjin dynasty, strongly advocated the literal translation of the Buddhist scripture. The author of the paper sees differently. From a historical point of view, the article has analyzed in detail Daoan's view of translation. Based on the various sources of his views as well as people's comments on his position in the translation history, the author holds that Daoan is not purely a literalist; he had a unique, profound and sagacious insight into the translation of Buddhist scripture.
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