机构地区: 浙江大学法学院
出 处: 《天津体育学院学报》 2006年第3期185-189,共5页
摘 要: 中国彩票业政府管制经历了无序管理、部门彩票和不完全国家彩票3个阶段。现行的彩票管理体制存在无法适应彩票市场进一步发展的弊端,尽管实现彩票性质的国家化、发行销售的企业化、公益金使用的社会化已经成为大势所趋,但实质性的制度改革始终不能突破坚冰,统一的彩票立法迟迟不能出台。在分析新制度形成的障碍的基础上,对行政法程序设计和制度安排提出了建议。 The lottery regulation in China has gone through three stages, disordered management, department' s lottery and incomplete national lottery. Due to the drawbacks of the current regulation system, it fails to meet the further development of the lottery market. Despite the fact that turning into national lottery, promoting the commercialization of issuance and sale and extending the use of public funds has already become the trend, the substantive reforms still can't been broken through and the enactment of an uniform legislation has been delayed. On the basis of analyzing the obstacles of setting up a new regulation system, the authors brings forth some proposals on how to improve program-designing and decision-making in the current administrative law system.