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Effect of Water-soluble Polymer on Bauxite Digestion Residue Settlement

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 中南大学化学化工学院

出  处: 《有色金属》 2006年第2期78-81,共4页

摘  要: 研究铝土矿浸出矿浆沉降过程中,浸出渣与水溶性高分子聚合物之间的作用。结果表明,浸出悬浮浆液的物化性质和悬浮渣微粒的表面荷电性是选择最优水溶性高分子聚合物的基础。只有水溶性聚合物分子量超过100万时,才能在两个带相同电荷的渣微粒间越过势能峰,起到吸附凝聚作用,分子量1000万左右凝聚效果最优。水溶性高分子聚合物使用应用预先配成万分之一左右浓度,使分子链成初步伸展状态。搅拌溶解时应控制搅拌线速度小于4m/s。聚合物与浸出矿浆混合操作要控制区分聚沉过程分散期、吸附凝聚期和沉降期三个不同阶段的混合搅拌条件。 The linkage of leaching residue to water-soluble polymer during the flocculation settlement process of bauxite leaching slurry is investigated. The results show that the surface electro-chemical property of the particles in the slurry and the physicochemical property of the slurry are the foundation of the optimal suspension separation polymer selection. The polymer can not cross the energy peak between two particles with same electric charge of the leaching residue to play a role in flocculation settlement, unless the polymer molecular mass is over 1 million, the optimal flocculation effect is achieved by the polymer with molecular mass about 10 million. In practical application, the water-soluble polymer is pre-dissolved in the concentration about 10^-4 to make the chain of the molecular stretching. The linear speed for disturbing should be lower than 4m/s in dissolution process, the different operation parameters for three stages of mixing process of polymer and slurry, dispersing, flocculation adsorbing and settlement processes, should be controlled and distinguished.

关 键 词: 冶金技术 氧化铝 水溶性聚合物 键合作用 絮凝

领  域: [冶金工程] [冶金工程]




作者 张光宇
作者 林浩亮