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Study on dynamics of pest ani mal community in ryegrass

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 安徽农业大学植物保护学院安徽省农产品安全重点实验室

出  处: 《草业科学》 2006年第5期78-82,共5页

摘  要: 对合肥地区多年生黑麦草Lolium perenne有害动物群落进行了研究,共记录有害动物13种,分属3个动物门、4个纲,以节肢动物门为主,占总数量的95.7%。主要优势种为麦圆叶爪螨Penthaleus major、黑草蚁Lasius fuliginosus、麦杆蝇Meromyza saltatrix、鼠妇Armadillidium unlgare、麦长管蚜Macrosiphmavenae和大青叶蝉Cicadella viridis;优势种中麦长管蚜、大青叶蝉和麦杆蝇主要分布于上部和中部,黑草蚁和鼠妇主要分布于下部和中部,麦圆叶爪螨主要集中在中部。群落均匀度和多样性变化一致,均以群落形成初期较高。聚类分析结果表明,黑麦草从早春萌芽到抽穗期间有害动物群落比较稳定。 The dynamics of pest animal community in perennial ryegrass in Hefei district was studied. The results showed that there were totally 13 species of pest animals, which belong to 3 animal phyla, 4 classes respectively, and that arthropod was the majority, consisting 95.7 percent of the total individuals. The dominant species were Penthaleusmajor, Lasius. fuliginosus, Meromyza saltatrix , Armadillidium unlgare, Macrosiphm avenae and Cicadella viridis. Among the dominant species, P. major, L. fuliginosus and M. saltatrix were distributed mainly in the upper and middle parts of ryegrass, A. unlgare mainly in the middle part of ryegrass, while M. avenae and C. viridis mainly in the lower and upper parts of ryegrass. The evenness and diversities of community changed accordingly, but both were higher in primary stage of community development than those of others. Fuzzy cluster analysis indicated that the pest animal community was steady from budding stage to heading stage.

关 键 词: 黑麦草 有害动物 群落动态

领  域: [农业科学]




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