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Changes of melanophores in the larval skin of Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国海洋大学生命科学与技术学部

出  处: 《海洋水产研究》 2006年第2期62-68,共7页

摘  要: 对半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossussemilaevis Günther)早期发育过程中体表色素的分布及形态变化进行了连续观察,测量其生物学特征,同时拍摄不同发育时期体表黑色素的形态变化。在水温22~23℃,盐度31~33的条件下,半滑舌鳎完成早期变态发育约需要30d,1~15日龄主要是器官发育,16日龄进入变态期,30日龄左右变态完成。半滑舌鳎在原肠期开始出现幼体色素,以后逐渐密集,色素颗粒变大,幼体色素逐渐变成以树枝状和菊花状为主;仔鱼期体表的幼体色素对称分布,在躯干部形成相互间隔的5个色素带;在变态前期幼体色素发生至最发达时期。进入变态期后,幼体色素逐渐减少,同时有眼侧出现颗粒较小的成体色素,形状为点状为主,在身体有眼侧均匀分布。无眼侧色素完全消失,成为无色。个别个体有眼侧的成体色素形成受阻,幼体色素消失后,形成白化。 The morphological development and changes of body color at different stages of Cynoglossus semilaevis larval were observed and photographed. The early development of Cynoglossus semilaevis lasted about 30 days at 22-23 ℃ and 31-33ppt spawning-water. The morphological development of larval could be divided into two stages., development of organs(1- 15 day post-hatching) ,and metamorphosis (16-30 day post-hatching). Metamorphosis occurred about 16 day post-hatching. The larval melanophores appear in gastrula stage and distributed symmetrically. Hereafter,the melanophores becomes larger and denser,appearing like arborization and chrysanthemum. When metamorphosis occurred,larval melanophores disappeared while adult melanophores appeared on ocular side like asteroidal. Albinism would occur if the development of adult melanophores on the ocular side was blocked.

关 键 词: 半滑舌鳎 早期发育 色素变化 形态变化

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]




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