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Interspecific relationships in the forest community dominated by Pinus kwang- tungensis, a Chinese native species

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 华南农业大学林学院

出  处: 《生态学报》 2006年第4期1063-1072,共10页

摘  要: 采用连续样带取样法,在分析广东南岭华南五针松群落结构的基础上,测定了优势种群的种间协变系数,并将典范对应分析(Canonical Correspondence Analysis,CCA)和聚类分析(ClusterAnalysis)相结合,探讨了华南五针松与群落中其它种群的种间相互关系。结果表明:(1)广东南岭华南五针松群落以A级频度占绝对优势,华南五针松在主林层占据显著地位,但在演替层和更新层中的优势远不及其他优势种群;(2)Spearman秩相关分析和相关分析的计算结果基本一致,华南五针松群落优势种群正协变种对数显著多于负协变的种对数,且Spearman秩相关比相关分析具有更高的灵敏度。华南五针松与长叶木姜存在显著负协变,与其它优势种群种对间协变关系不明显;(3)海拔高度、坡度、坡位、坡形、腐殖质层厚度以及枯枝落叶层厚度与3个排序轴都有较强的相关性,环境因子在第一和第二排序轴的位置明显反映其生态特点。105个乔木种类沿第一排序轴的分类完全与物种的性状特征相符。海拔高度是影响华南五针松分布的主导因素;(4)华南五针松群落种间关系揭示了群落内不同乔木种类因受小生境因子影响而体现在空间分布上的差异。典范对应分析和聚类分析结果共同揭示环境因子影响物种的分布,并通过生态习性表达出来。 Pinus kwangtungensis, is a rare and endangered pine species native to China. interspecific relationships in a natural forest of Pinus kwangtungensis were studied based on inventory data from a 7200 m^2-plot area in Nanling National Nature Reserve.This study was aimed to quantitatively analyze the relationships of Pinus kwangtungensis to other species in the forest community and to their habitat. The continuous transect sampling method was employed to investigate interspecific relationships in the forest community dominated by Pinus kwangtungensis. A horizontal transect ( 10 m × 120 m) was placed at an 100 m altitudinal interval along the elevation from 1100 m to 1600 m a. s. l., which represents the altitudinal range of Pinus kwangtungensis in Nanling National Nature Reserve. The contiguous grid quadrat sampling method was used for the inventory in each transect, which consisted of 12 quadrats ( 10 m × 10 m). All of the vascular plants were tallied by quadrat. Both Canonical Correspondence Analysis ( CCA) and Cluster Analysis were used to detect the interspecific relationships. The results show ( 1 ) the frequency of dominance of Pinus kwangtungensis in Nanling was ranked an A class by Raunkiaer's law of frequency. Pinus kwangtungensis dominated in the canopy more than in the subcanopy and understory. (2) Both Spearman rank correlation (SRC) coefficients and Pearson correlation coefficients indicated that the number of positive covariation couplets was significantly higher than those negative covariation couplets in the forest community, although SRC appeared to be more sensitive than Pearson correlation analysis. Except the negative covariation with Litsea elongate, Pinus kwangtungensis exhibited no significant correlations with other dominant species. (3) The altitude, slope, slope aspect, slope shape, thickness of humus layer and litterfall all had significant correlations with the three axes in CCA plot, and the environmental factors in the first two axes defined the ecological

关 键 词: 种群结构 种间协变 排序 聚类 珍稀濒危植物

领  域: [生物学]


作者 何桂玲
作者 莫世祥
作者 罗成
作者 曹宗平
作者 孙广勇


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院
机构 五邑大学智能技术与系统研究所


作者 丁培强
作者 徐松林
作者 徐枫
作者 陈光慧
作者 孙有发