机构地区: 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理应用研究中心
出 处: 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第2期117-124,共8页
摘 要: 语义加工与句法加工的关系是当前语言理解领域的核心和热点问题,认知神经科学研究从大脑功能定位角度对之进行了探讨。采用脑功能成像技术对该问题的研究范式主要有三种:简单句与复杂句对比范式、语义违背与句法违背范式、语义控制与句法控制范式。虽然关于这两个加工过程的大脑功能定位取得了一些进展,但大量的研究结果之间并不一致,主要的争议在于句法和语义加工的差异到底涉及的是特异化的语言功能区还是工作记忆的差异、是否涉及内隐与外显加工的差异等问题。未来,语义和句法加工的大脑定位及相互关系仍需要进一步的深入研究。 The relationship between semantic and syntactic is one of the focus issues in language comprehension.The cognitive neuroscience approach displayed more and more evidence on this debate.Among these brain imaging studies,there are three paradigms: comparing between simple syntactic sentences and complex sentences;comparing semantic or syntactic violated sentences with normal sentences;comparing the jabberwocky or word lists with normal sentences.Despite a lot of advances in this field,there are much more inconsistency among the results.The major contradictions are that whether there are some specified areas in the brain for semantic or syntactic processing,and whether there is significant difference between implicit and explicit processing during semantic and syntactic analysis.To get a clear brain map of semantic and syntactic analysis,it is necessary to get more evidence in the future.