机构地区: 广州大学公共管理学院
出 处: 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2006年第2期152-155,共4页
摘 要: 高素质领导人才队伍的建设关系到我国现代化建设的成败,关系到党和国家的盛衰兴亡,关系到社会主义在中国的命运;领导人才应该具备的总的素质要求就是“德才兼备”、“四化”、“四有”;培养造就一大批高素质的领导人才,必须采取包括制度建设、实践锻炼、学习、教育、培训和监督等多种方法和途径。邓小平的领导人才思想是一个科学体系,是我国新时期加强领导人才队伍建设的重要指导思想。 The quality of leaders and carders plays a critical role in the ongoing modernization of our country and it will determine the ultimate fate of socialism in China. Both ability and political integrity are required for leaders. In order to bringing up a large number of high - quality carders, we must perfect our system, assure them adequate opportunities of practice and theoretical learning along with rigorous supervision. Deng Xiaoping's thoughts are a scientific system and our guiding line in training carders in the new era.
领 域: [哲学宗教]