机构地区: 惠州学院计算机科学系
出 处: 《陕西理工学院学报(自然科学版)》 2006年第1期57-59,共3页
摘 要: 为了有效防止收费舞弊问题,本文根据概率数理统计理论提出了一种基于应用数理统计的收费站车辆图像核查技术。采用离散型的概率事件的数学统计方式,建立了三个图像抽样检验结果的数理分析模型,以适应不同的分析情况。针对收费舞弊的特点,本文还讨论了几个重要参数的取值与检验结果的可靠性的关系以及如何最大限度消除收费舞弊的方法。 To avoid cheating problems in express tollgates, a solution based on probability mathematical statistics technology is brought up in the paper. Three random sampling statistic mathematical models are built for different cases. Examples are given to find the sampling probability results. The relations between the parameters in the molds and the sampling results are discussed in the paper and the ways to eliminate cheating according to the parameters are pointed out.