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Farmers' Perceptions of Arable Land Quality and Their Corresponding Response

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国土地勘测规划院

出  处: 《资源科学》 2006年第2期74-81,共8页

摘  要: 应用参与性农村调查与评估方法(PRA),对陕西省横山县的107个农户进行了典型调查,旨在获取基于农户的耕地质量知识并研究其对不同质量耕地的响应机制。结果表明,农民选用坡度、灌溉条件、土壤质地、产量、肥料投入、作物长势指标评价耕地质量,评价结果与土壤样品分析结果具有一致性;将耕地分为高产地和低产地,发现农民在两类耕地上的种植结构、施肥行为存在显著差异。农民能够准确鉴别耕地质量并有合理的评价指标;现有生产模式下农民对不同质量耕地的响应行为会对耕地可持续利用产生不良影响。最后将农户指标与基于遥感手段的耕地质量指标相结合,构建了长城沿线风沙区与黄土高原交错地带耕地质量评价指标框架,用以指导该区域耕地质量的综合评价。 Based on Participatory Rural Appraisals (PRA), a household survey was conducted to obtain farmers' perceptions on arable land quality and to find out their responses to lands with different quality. Open-ended discussions, semi-structure discussions and questionnaire surveys were carried out in 107 households of Hengshan County in Shaanxi Province. Results showed that indicators for arable land quality assessment local farmers' side reefers to soil characteristics, terrain characteristics, agricultural management measures, crop performances, environmental factors, and indicator plants etc. , which nearly covered all aspects of land attributes. In those indicators, slope (89 % ), irrigation condition (81% ), soil texture (79%), yield (40%), amount of fertilizer (21%) and crop performance (21%) were preferred in farmers' evaluations and assessment results were in conformity with the analysis results of soil samples. According to farmers' assessment results, all surveyed arable lands were grouped to two types, productive land and non-productive land. Then, farmers' management preference to different lands, including planting structures, fertilizing activities and crop residues disposition, were studied. As a result, significant management differences were found between the two kinds of lands. Farmers intended to plant crops with high economic benefit in productive land and invested more; contrarily, non-productive land can get fewer investments. Additionally, a large amount of organic substance in non-productive land is extracted by crop production, which induces more serious land degradation. It is concluded that farmers have the ability to assess arable land quality accurately with their own indicators and farmers' preference in agricultural practice presents a great influence on sustainable land management. Indicators for arable land assessment from farmers' side are complementary to the indicators from scientists' side, which emphasized on getting information throug

关 键 词: 耕地质量 农户指标 农户响应 农户调查

领  域: [农业科学]


作者 刘成香
作者 郑华懋
作者 张强胜
作者 付丽梅
作者 邓锦文


机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 华南农业大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 丁培强
作者 吴肖林