机构地区: 广东金融学院
出 处: 《山东工商学院学报》 2006年第1期24-26,共3页
摘 要: 基于加入WTO后中国许多产业面临的实际情况和入世后过渡期的保护条款,利用布兰德-克鲁格曼的产业内贸易模型的思路,把它扩展为进入中国市场的外资企业和内资企业在我国国内市场上的博弈模型,发现内资企业只有当企业边际成本比外资企业低时才能主导国内市场。 Based on the practical situation of domestic enterprises and protection provisions of transformation after the entry into WTO, the paper follows the idea of Brander-Kmgman model, which prevails in the intraindustrial trade, and extends it to the game model of domestic companies and foreign counterparts in Chinese market, in which only when domestic companies have lower marginal cost than foreign counterparts ,can they lead in the domestic market.