机构地区: 中国人民解放军外国语学院
出 处: 《外语教学与研究》 2006年第1期44-49,共6页
摘 要: 本文以某校英语专业一年级和三年级学生为受试,考察了他们对英语进行体的各种意义和功能的掌握情况,探究标记理论在二语习得中的意义。结果显示,学生在一年级时就已经在英语进行体方面出现石化现象。他们对无标记项的总体掌握程度显著高于有标记项,证明无标记项先于有标记项习得,标记对二语习得有重要影响。但是,有些有标记项的正确率接近甚至超过无标记项,说明语言输入起重要作用。 With some first-year and third-year English majors from a certain university as subjects, this paper investigated their performance on the various meanings and functions of the progressive aspect in order to find out the significance of markedness theory in SLA. It was found that the first-year learners already fossilized the use of English progressive. On the whole, the learners did better in the unmarked meanings and functions than the marked ones, suggesting that the unmarked is easier to be learned. However, some of the marked meanings and functions showed higher accuracy rates. This may be caused by their high frequency in the second language input.
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