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Preliminary Report on Trial Excavation at Wong Tei Tung Archaeological Site, Sham Chung, Hong Kong SAR

作  者: ; ; ; (吴伟鸿);

机构地区: 香港考古学会、香港尖沙咀九龙公园第58座

出  处: 《人类学学报》 2006年第1期56-67,共12页

摘  要: 深涌黄地峒遗址是香港首次发现的旧石器时代晚期遗址。初步调查、试掘后认为,这是一处打制石器加工场,其范围之大(南北长约300m、东西宽约150m)和石制品密度之高(试掘10m2,出土及采集石器3261件)实属罕见。出土石器种类比较丰富,旧石器加工技术大部分在此都能见到。该遗址的进一步发掘和研究,对了解和解决岭南以及中国南方地区旧石器文化发展的问题将有大帮助。 The Wong Tei Tung(Huangditong) archaeological site of Sham Chung(Shengchong) was discovered by Mr. Huang Hu and Mr. Wu Weihong in spring, 2003, The site is situated at the northern shore of the Sai King Peninsula, on the eastern part of the Hong Kong SAR, China. To the east to the site,there is a hill named Wong Tei Tung (154 m height). The site faces to a bay, namely Three Fathoms Cover to the west. Hong Kong Archaeology Society and the Centre for Lingnan Archaeology of Zhongshan University in Guangzhou conducted a trial excavation at the site during late 2004 to early 2005, funded by the Hong Kong SAR Government. Large quantities of lithic artifacts are exposed both at the surface on the pebble beach and the western slope, the extent of lithic exposing area on the pebble beach is about 300 m long and at height of 15 m up the slope. Many lithics found at underwater also indicate the site was much larger than before, sea reached the present level since 6 000 BP. The bedrock of the site is mudstone and siltstone observed at soil profile of test pits and auger holes. The bedrock is overlaid by the silicon tuff in dark grey to black colour; an outcrop stands at western slope at height of 40 m to 50 m,facing the sea. Such silicon tuff provides sufficient and highquality raw materials for lithic manufacturing. Around 75 000 BP, a glacial maximum had reached and sea level had fallen to about 77 m lower than at present. The last glaciation at Late Pleistocene commenced about 25 000 BP, reaching a maximum at about 18 000 BP to 17 000 BP , with the sea level at its lowest at this time, falling to around - 120 m or - 130 m. Three Fathoms Cover became a river valley and it is presumed that ancient people inhabited in the site during this time. The site is situated at an underwater fiver terrace of at least 40 meters to 100 meters wide that face a fiver branch running into Tolo Hatbour and Mirs Bay of northeastern Hong Kong SAR. According to marine chart, an underwater terrace was found in front of the site at

关 键 词: 黄地峒遗址 打制石器加工场 旧石器时代晚期 香港深涌 中国南方

领  域: [历史地理] [历史地理]


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