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Structure of Forest Distribution and Its Adjustment in the Tanjiang Watershed

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院华南植物园

出  处: 《热带地理》 2006年第1期35-39,共5页

摘  要: 在社会经济快速发展的珠江三角洲地区,人类活动日益强烈,森林生态系统在平衡人类影响中的作用日益显著,但人工森林结构与分布差异越来越成为影响森林生态系统功能发挥的瓶颈。研究发现:(1)潭江流域林业用地结构失衡,作为潭江上游的恩平有林地面积仅占23.99%,潭江下游江门市区仅占13.93%,而未成林地,恩平却高达41.66%,这种森林分布结构不利于上游水源涵养功能与下游生态补偿功能的发挥;(2)无林地地域差异较大,人工造林仍有很大的潜力,台山、恩平、开平及江门市区无林地分别占全市域无林地面积的49.96%、14.06%、13.56%与12.28%;(3)流域林分结构单一,单一物种优势度突出,如台山、开平湿地松分别高达43.07%、45.13%。基于潭江流域森林分布与结构现状,提出了相应的改善与调整措施。 With the rapid economic development in the Pearl River Delta, forest ecosystems play more and more important roles in improvement of environment. However, the manual-forest imbalance of the structure of forest distribution in the Tanjiang watershed restricts ecological functions of the forests as a whole. It is found that : 1 ) The forest land-use structure of the watershed is imbalance. Enping City is situated at the upper reaches of the Tanjiang watershed, where forest area accounts for only 23.99% of the total, while that of Jiangmen proper at the lower reaches for 13.93%. However, of the forest land in Enping, young-growth accounts for 41.66% ; 2) There is a large area of land suitable for afforest action, in which Taishan accounts for 49. 96%, Enping 14. 06%, Kaiping 13.56%, and Jiangmen proper 12. 28% ; 3 ) Forest structure is simple ; many forests consist of only one or two wood species, for example Pinus massoniana accounts for 43.07% in Taishan, 45.13% in Kaiping. On the basis of the analysis on the present situation of the forest in the Tanjiang watershed, the authors consider that restoration ecological theory be used to guide the improvement of the forest structure in the watershed, and the construction of the water conservation forests and ecological forests be enhanced at the upper reaches.

关 键 词: 潭江流域 林业结构 调整对策 地域分异

领  域: [农业科学]



机构 中山大学地理科学与规划学院


作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 丁培强
作者 吴肖林