机构地区: 广东惠州天然气发电有限公司广东省惠州市516082
出 处: 《电力设备》 2006年第2期53-56,共4页
摘 要: 文章分析了热电冷三联产是合理利用天然气的理想方式,阐述了几种天然气热电冷联产系统的运行方式与特点,包括基于燃气机、燃气轮机、联合循环和燃料电池的热电冷三联产系统。根据国内外天然气热电冷联产系统的研究与应用现状,指出今后相当长时间内该系统在我国经济发达地区具有很好的应用前景,并对未来的主要研究方向作了一些有益的探讨。 Along with gradually hacreashag proportion of natural gas in urban energy structure and the extensive solicitude of people for environmental pollution, the problems for efficiently ushag natural gas become more and more stick out. This paper analyzed the trigeneration (heathag - power - cooling), which is the ideal way of using natural gas reasonably. The operation mode and characteristics of some kinds of trigeneration system were elaborated, hachadhag trigeneration system based on gas fred machhae, gas turbine, combhaedcycle and fuel battery. According to the present situation of domestic and hatemational research and application of trigeneration system with natural gas as fuel it is pohated out that this system has very good application prospect in the economic developed area of China in the future much longer time, and the major research direction for the future is discussed.
关 键 词: 天然气 热电冷联产 运行方式 燃气轮机 燃料电池 吸收式制冷
领 域: [石油与天然气工程] [一般工业技术]